Thursday, June 18, 2009

Telus Mobility Customer

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Here's a Goodie from a Telus Mobility Customer who I think it's fair to say will never be a customer again with Telus Mobility:

I recently received a large bill from Telus Mobility after transferring my numbers to Rogers, due to poor cellphone reception and customer service issues. The bill contained (amongst other charges) a $240 cancellation fee. Upon contacting Telus customer service, I was informed that there were service contracts remaining totaling 9 months between two phones that were on the account (72 month commitment between the 2, 63 months fulfilled).

I requested a compromise for the 9 months remaining, since the value Telus attributed to the 72 month commitment was $400 (their quote to me), I offered to pay back the percentage remaining 9/72 of $400 or $50 total.

The agent refused to compromise - I then offered to reactivate the account in order to payout the remaining contract. They would not take this option either.

Finally, I quoted the more than 11 years (between the 2 phones) that I had been a customer (a telus mobility customer) - and asked was it their intention to make sure I would never be a customer again? The agent commented that they can not do any crediting of these fees.

I then asked if they would like me to cancel my other accounts (home phone, etc) with Telus?

The agent offered to do so immediately if I would provide her the numbers.

It's unfortunate that this is how Telus would treat a long-time customer, happily canceling accounts and leaving a sour taste that will long ensure I will never do business with Telus again.

You can find the original article here:

Telus Mobility folks, there you have it. They treat their Telus mobility customers like nobody else. And, I don't mean that as a good thing.


Sunday, June 14, 2009

Telus Long Distance - Nightmares - Part 1

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I just received this from a visitor via email. Have a read...


The absolute worst phone company I have dealt with! The customer service wait line is horrendous-- expect to wait for at least 20 minutes to be greeted by snobby customer service representatives who may or may not HANG UP on you (after the horrendous wait time!).

I have a three year contract with Telus, the first two years were fine, however the past few months have been absolutely horrible, and speaking with family and friends-- I am obviously not alone.

I was charged for long distance phone calls that I did not make (I never make long distance nor do I pick up long distance phone calls on my cell phone). After calling Telus to inquire about these suspicious charges, their reply was "maybe you made them and just forgot about them". I didn't want to deal with the absolutely rude customer service rep so I decided to just pay the (fraudulent) $25.00 in LD charges.

A few weeks ago I made a call to Telus to temporarily disconnect my phone for three months as I was going on vacation. After waiting for half an hour for a customer service rep, I asked her how much the vacation disconnect would cost me, and if I could disconnect the service three days from the day I made that call. She completely ignored my inquiries and gave me irrelevant information in addition to INTERRUPTING me to the point where I couldn't help but stop speaking. She eventually hung up on me when I asked for her name and her supervisor!!!

I immediately called back and spoke to someone from a higher department to complain about the hang up; she assisted my call, and told me that my next billing cycle would amount up to $12.00 while the phone is on disconnect. I checked my bill this morning, and it is $52.00. It turns out they messed up my bill AGAIN!!! This is probably the fifth time!

I am NOT looking forward to dealing with the horrendous department Telus likes to call customer service representatives. I'll update you on what happens.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Message Telus Mobility

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Message Telus Mobility:

Milestone 2 reached - 1,000 monthly visitors.

Welcome back Telus douchebags, if you're reading. This little blog now receives more than 1,000 visitors per month. Sadly for you it's true. Last month our traffic rose by over 100%. The funny part is that the telus mobility review blog actually makes money now. I hope this post winds up in a boardroom with your well-paid internet PR fail whales sometime soon.

Since traffic is rising steadily, probably due to your telus mobility customer service representatives pissing off more telus mobility cell customers, I think I'll spend a few minutes now and then to add some content and keep it growing.

See you soon when we're up to 4,000 monthly visitors. I hope you've enjoyed this post which I'll call Message Telus Mobility from now on.

Yours in increasing and persistent Google search traffic,


Telus Mobilty

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Read this before you visit Telus Mobility. Oops, you spelled Telus Mobility incorrectly. You typed in Telus Mobilty. Seriously though, we think you should probably visit some other website. First, though have a look around the blog. I'm sure you'll find a good reason not to sign up to become a telus mobility customer.

Telus Mobilty aka Telus Mobility for those who can type (sorry!) is just a plain bad idea. Really, I'm not just trying to be a jerk. Do your research before you invest in a 3 year plan. You will thank me one day that you haven't been locked in to Telus Mobility crying yourself to sleep.

Telus Mobility CA

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Here are a few stats for telus mobility ca. I'm not sure why you would be searching telus mobility ca, but I thought I'd share this with you in very virtuous hopes you'll read the rest of the blog posts. The posts just might save you a lot of heartache and money:

Some useless traffic information:

Traffic Rank Alexa Traffic Rank - 909,305 - measures the website's popularity

Avg. Time on Site Time on Site - 2.6 min/day - measures user attention.

31 - Sites Linking In - this isn't many, Telus Mobility CA better hope we don't actively start accumulating links. :)

This is the Alexa traffic rank for
7 day avg -
1 month avg 5,959,247
3 month avg 909,305
3 month change 342,894

This is the Percent global pageviews for
7 day avg -
1 month avg 4e-07%
3 month avg 0.000004%
3 month change -36%

This is the Percent global Internet users who go to
7 day avg -
1 month avg 0.000007%
3 month avg 0.000094%
3 month change -39%

This is the percentage of visits to that consist of a single page turn:
7 day avg -
1 month avg -
3 month avg 44.6%
3 month change -9%

This is the Daily pageviews per user for
7 day avg -
1 month avg 4
3 month avg 3.3
3 month change 5%

This is the daily time on site for
7 day avg -
1 month avg 5.5
3 month avg 2.6
3 month change -3%

This is the percentage of visits to that came from a search engine:
7 day avg -
1 month avg -
3 month avg 10.7%
3 month change -4%

Telus Mobility Number

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Here's one about a Telus Mobility number. Really I should say here's how Telus Mobility did a number on him:

As a Telus customer for almost a year, I am very unhappy to say that my phone has consistently been giving me a lot of problems with reception, battery life, display problems, and sometimes I don't even receive calls or messages. When I called Telus on Tuesday July 4, 2006 for the first time, I was put of hold for 15 minutes until I finally hung up. Later that day I called again and talked to another representative, Carol. I told her the problem that I was having and explained that I had already sent the phone to be repaired once before with the same problems recurring.

This cellular phone is under warranty and I am regretting having a Telus phone, I would like someone to review this complaint. As a paying client, I feel as if my concerns are not taken seriously, please get back to me with respect to this urgent matter. If I did not need the use of a cellular phone, I would not have purchased one, I am a very, very unhappy customer.

You can read the original telus mobility complaint here:

Telus Internet

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Does anyone know anything about Telus Internet? In Ontario, people are primarily dispersed between Bell and Rogers. I would be very interested to know what people's experience with Telus Internet has been. I would expect the customer service is terribly similar to Telus Mobility customer service which is of course almost criminal, if not fully criminal in my opinion.

Feel free to comment about your Telus Internet related experiences. We welcome all feedback regarding Telus. ;)

Telus Mobility

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Telus Mobility is one of Canada's largest mobile phone networks. Telus Mobility is also known by many for it's extremely poor customer service. So, if you're considering a telus mobility phone be careful.

Telus Mobility plans are competitive (like the telus flexible share plans), and often sound good on the surface, but if you've been around the block a few times, you know that it's all about customer service. Sure telus mobility phones are nice; they carry some of the best handsets on the market exclusively. Be aware though, if the my telus mobility system creates an error on your telus mobility online bill, they are not going to change it. Even if you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt, be prepared to be treated with disdain. This is my experience, and many others' too. If you're wondering just do a search online for: I hate Telus. There's over 93,000 results.

If you're not a Telus Mobility customer yet, check out Fido is likely the best carrier for the average consumer. Quite simply their plans and customer service are far superior to what you'll find at Telus Mobility.

If you are already with Telus Mobility, you can always port your telus mobility number over to another carrier. This would be my honest recommendation.

Welcome to Telus Mobility Review

This blog is dedicated to sharing your real experiences with Telus Canada, Telus Mobility, MyTelusMobility, and anything about Telus.

Do you have a Telus customer service or Telus customer support story (or nightmare) to tell? Now you have a special place to project your voice to thousands of Canadians who might be considering a Telus cell phone. Please enjoy this blog and post your story, rant, or anything you find on the web that you think is relevant.

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1. Tell your friends
2. Link to us from your blog (we will link to yours too)
3. Don't have a blog? Make a blog and link to us

Note: Posts on this site are the opinions of people who originally wrote them and do not represent the opinion of

Your Comments

Please keep your comments clean and well written. I plan to keep comments posted (both good and bad) as they relate to Telus. I will not tolerate any hate messages or excessive use of profanity.