Sunday, December 6, 2009

Telus Mobility

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Telus Mobility is not Canada's top wireless provider. In fact, if you're looking at Telus Mobility from a customer service perspective, it's actually one of the worst cell phone companies in Canada.

Since I've started this blog, we've grown to over 1500 visitors per month. People visit the site, leave their Telus Mobility comments, and come back to see who else is having Telus Mobility issues. The answer is: thousands of Canadians are sick and tired of being bullied by the seemingly friendly wireless provider.

While Bell doesn't offer the best plans, and Rogers can sometimes be a little bit expensive depending on what promotions might be available, both are a lot easier to deal with in my opinion. I'll be writing more to back this up in the coming days.

Until next time. Stay away from Telus Mobility.


Welcome to Telus Mobility Review

This blog is dedicated to sharing your real experiences with Telus Canada, Telus Mobility, MyTelusMobility, and anything about Telus.

Do you have a Telus customer service or Telus customer support story (or nightmare) to tell? Now you have a special place to project your voice to thousands of Canadians who might be considering a Telus cell phone. Please enjoy this blog and post your story, rant, or anything you find on the web that you think is relevant.

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1. Tell your friends
2. Link to us from your blog (we will link to yours too)
3. Don't have a blog? Make a blog and link to us

Note: Posts on this site are the opinions of people who originally wrote them and do not represent the opinion of

Your Comments

Please keep your comments clean and well written. I plan to keep comments posted (both good and bad) as they relate to Telus. I will not tolerate any hate messages or excessive use of profanity.